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Ready to tackle your blogging goals in 2024?

Free yourself from the maze of blogging! Acquire the most crucial, foolproof tips for blogging this year to propel your blog to unprecedented heights.

Things change constantly in the SEO world, and here's exactly what you need to know right now.


"Melissa has helped me effectively optimize numerous blog posts on my website into a SEO format recognized by search engines. She takes the time to do diligent keyword research and recommends blog topics that are in the best interest of my business getting found online. She also has created new blog posts with key topics while integrating a linking strategy for existing blog posts.

Melissa possesses excellent writing, communication, and collaboration skills. She makes the detailed-oriented process of writing SEO blogging content enjoyable. I strongly recommend Melissa to anyone who is looking for exceptional and professional blogging services."

— Jason Vallozzi, independent educational consultant and founder of Campus to Career Crossroads

Hi! I'm Melissa!

And I can help you write SEO-friendly blog posts.

I spent over three years at a fintech company as senior editor and writer. The company's lead gen site grew from a trickle of visitors to over a million per month!

Now, I run my own site, College Money Tips. I also write for major publications like Red Ventures' HigherEducation, College Finance, the Journal of College Admission and more.

Learn the simple steps you can take right now to boost your SEO and have an immediate impact on your blog.